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Sat December 10 - Sun December 18 Bellevue, WA 98004 US Directions


5-Minute Sit - Day 1

12/10 9:00AM PST - 10:00AM PST

5-Minute Sit - Day 2

12/11 10:00AM PST - 11:00AM PST

5-Minute Sit - Day 3

12/17 9:00AM PST - 10:00AM PST

5-Minute Sit - Day 4

12/18 10:00AM PST - 11:00AM PST


Bellevue Downtown Park, Terrace Seating
10201 NE 4th St
Bellevue, WA US 98004


Stillness Cup - The 2nd Year!


Thanks for stopping by. And welcome to Stillness Cup, the 2nd year of our sitting challenge.



Sit for 5 minutes and be still.

Sign Up now to register to sit with the Stillaton smart sensor and app to get your stillness results.
The participant with the best stillness performance wins a $100 Prize and the 5-Minute Stillness Cup Champion Title for 2022.


Stillness Cup is a group activity challenging participants to actively sit still using a sensor and app to help you focus on your breathing and minimizing movement of your upper body. The Stillaton sensor and app will be provided at the event.

3 simple steps to sitting still:
  1. Stabilize your base with your legs while seated
  2. Sit with your upper body upright
  3. Breathe with the belly & balance upright posture with micro motions or sway


Maintaining an upright posture is a process of perpetual motion while standing or sitting still. While sitting still sounds simple, it's not easy. According to a 2014 research study, most of you would rather shock yourselves with a 9-volt battery than sit still.

Why sit in stillness?

We live in a constant hyper-vigilant state with our nervous system to adapt and survive in this modern world. As a result, we are readily jerked in a million directions with quick reactions without even thinking. Turning to stillness is skill we can develop individually to find balance and a sense of control. And turning sitting in stillness into a social event is a peaceful way to gather people for a meaningful group activity.

The body benefits from movement and the mind benefits from stillness. - Sakyong Mipham


Contest Rules
  • Register to participate and sit at the Downtown Bellevue Park
  • Registered participants pay once and have multiple chances to sit again on different days to improve their results
  • The participant with the best stillness performance on the last wave on December 19 wins the event prize and title



Stillness Cup is an outdoor event at the Bellevue Downtown Park Terraced Seating by the Plaza where the Ice Rink is currently setup. The organizers will provide dry seat cushions at the event. Please dress accordingly. Check out photos of the site here.

Charity Donation

Stillness Cup organizers will donate part of the proceeds to its charity partner, The Northwest Dharma Association.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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